Saturday, August 24, 2024


 The State Fair began late this week.  Friend Kathy and I will meet up and go next week.  We checked the new foods of course.  She is excited about deep fried ranch dressing with a side of hot honey.  Interesting.  Exotic food for me is falafels or potato skins.   With all of the other stuff we eat while there (berry milk shakes, pronto pups, cream puffs, etc.) I try to take it easy on my stomach.  I usually pick up a new piece of outside furniture and a rock while I'm there so have a plan on what to get.  Still have to call my credit card company and let them know I'll be 'traveling'.    Using my credit card at various Fair businesses often looks like I'm in one state and within minutes I'm in another to a computer system.  Took in my piggy banks and got $125 to use at the Fair.  Checked w/ Neighbor Doug who agreed to look in on the dog and cats while I'm gone.  Now just have to figure out what shoes to wear - need something durable, comfy, and preferable well broken in.

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