Saturday, August 24, 2024

Hay Bales at dawn


Was mooching a cup of coffee off Anita when I remembered that I wanted to make a new trail.  A back 40 has more trees taking root and it's better to make a trail now before the path is forced to weave between trees.   This is however not the time of year to be cutting new trails since the tall grass is at it's max height and taking Svaldilfari through it would be tough going.  Instead I whistled for Whip and we jumped in Jormungandr and drove out to a back 40 and I pushed through laying the grass down.  Turns out Jormungandr can go through most anything just in 2-wheel drive.  We drove along one fence line and then through a low area.  It's dry this time of year but would be a problem when wet.  Will have to skirt around it on higher ground.  Then followed along another fence line until the highway was in view.  Turned back toward home and met up w/ an existing path - making a big square.   Best part of the trip to me was finding an apple tree w/ ripe apples and swamp milkweed pods.  I took one opening pod home w/ me to plant nearby and an apple for a snack.    I'll keep running my new trail through the fall.  Next spring I'll mow it when the grass is beginning to grow - just have to figure out a way to get the mower over on that side of the slough.

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