Thursday, August 15, 2024

Virgin's Bower gone to seed

Yesterday was another beautiful sunny day in the Northwoods.   Maybe a little warm - high 70's - maybe a little muggy - but not enough to turn on the A/C or anything like that.  By sunset the dark clouds of an impending storm were over most of the sky.  I whistled for Whip.  She and I jumped into Jomungandr.  We set off across the fields weaving between the bales of hay.  I stopped at the top of the ridge and let Whip out for a run.  Hadn't seen the deer at the bottom of the hill but Whip had and raced down the hill toward them.   They watched her come for awhile before finally flicking up their tails and bounding into the woods.  Whip doubled back to retrace their steps.  Yes.  I know it's illegal for a dog to chase deer but she wasn't about to listen to me once she had her head.  Whip was panting by the time she made it up the hill and jumped back into the Jormungandr.  We took off through the next hay field and stopped again at the crest of the third.  This time I looked around more carefully before letting Whip out.  I grabbed the UTV roll bars and let my body sag back.  The temps had cooled into the 60's so now the humidity felt good.  A slight scent of hay mixed with wild flowers was in the air: a place where it's easy to forget anything exists beyond this view.  Heard far off thunder and felt some raindrops.  Whip, who doesn't like getting her head wet, was already on her way back to me.  We bumped along trails back home beating the storm.  Raining when I woke up this morning and forecast is it will keep it up all day.  Perfect.  My activities for the day are to finish the book I'm reading, some Town Planning Committee paperwork,  and volunteer at the library.  All inside.

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