Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Oriental Lily

Brother Phil is staying for awhile.  We had breakfast together but then he did his thing and I did mine.  By 2 p.m. we were both back at the house.   Phil craved fresh blueberries for his cereal in the morning.  I'd already texted Brother Russell to see if it would be OK to pick blueberries from his patch.  So we gathered enough for breakfast and then some.   Still in a picking mood we havested wild raspberries in the meadow.   Phil had spray painted rocks so close to the trail that the mower might catch them.   He couldn't find one I'd hit (twice) so we found and marked that one too.  Everything we could think of to do today completed, we settled into the tete-a-tete chairs on the north side of Mjolnir which faces the highway.  5 p.m. - rush hour in the Northwoods.  Not only rush hour but rush hour during our tourist season!  We started to count how many cars went past.   (Well it was mostly trucks.)  After fifteen minutes we had counted eight.  Therefore, Phil calculated, rush 'hour' would be 32 cars.  The count continued and, indeed, at 5:30 sixteen cars had passed by.  Nightly news was coming on so we ended our count.  Of course, then there is the other kind of Northwoods traffic congestion caused by being behind a piece of farm equipment as it is moved down the road to another field.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha! I deal with other kinds of traffic congestion also....Amish buggies and big farm tractors. Indiana rush hour.

Anonymous said...

No stop lights in our little town. Rush hour occurs when there are 4 cars waiting their turn at the 4 way stop.
