Monday, July 15, 2024

Canada Thistle

Storms were forecast for the day starting at 6 a.m.   At least that was per two weather apps when I went to sleep last night.   When I woke up the time had changed to 3 p.m.    It was humid but figured there would be enough time to wash clothes and still get them dry on the line.  After that, treated myself to breakfast downtown before picking up mail and groceries.  The weather apps still predicted 3 p.m.  The wind picked up around 2:30 and I figured this was it.  The sky didn't look like 'it'.  Checked the app's radars.  They showed no storm clouds in the near vicinity. Clothes were dry so I brought them in, took the top off the rain barrel, and closed the windows in Sleipnir.  No storm.   At 6 p.m. decided I'd better water the outside plants (had put it off thinking the storm would do that chore for me).  Then took the walk with Whip for our constitutional.  We stopped to watch my neighbor cutting hay.  That's when I noticed a bank of dark clouds coming our way.  I couldn't see the hills beyond - must be rain.  Got inside before the rain reached us.  It didn't last long and I'm not sure I'd even qualify it as a storm.   It did bring a drop in humidity and heat.   Tonight I will sleep w/ the windows open - both weather apps claim no more rain.

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