Friday, July 19, 2024

Eastern Phoebe


Two nights in a row my hummingbird feeders hung off shepherds hooks by the deck have been pulled off  and emptied.  Interestingly, a feeder that I have on the opposite deck that is on a taller hook hasn't been touched.  I mentioned this to Phil & Brent last night.   They discussed getting a trail camera to see who the culprit is.  Brent then had the idea of spreading flour on the deck below the feeders: an immediate and easy way of figuring out what is doing the mischief.     I had a flour bag with only an inch or so of flour left in it and a full one ready to open.  So Brent took the old bag and dumped it's contents below the two feeders I had refilled and rehung plus by the feeder that has been untouched.   My part of the project was to take pictures of any tracks in the flour first thing in the morning.  I woke up this a.m., grabbed the camera, and walked out onto the deck.  The two 'bait' feeders were untouched and still full of fluid.  So was the one on the higher hook.  No tracks in the flour.  Well, a good try.  I left the flour in place.  Later in the morning I saw both cats intently looking out the window.  When I checked on what they were watching I saw three rats eating the flour.  Great - not only did I not find out who has been raiding my feeders but I've attracted even more vermin.

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