Sunday, July 21, 2024

Action Shot

 Brothers Phil and Brent are in the workshop cutting boards to size for the last section of the planned room divider.  The drawers to the far left were once used to store utensils next to my grandparent's oven.   Brother Russell saved them during his renovation and Brent painted them white and repurposed them here in the workshop.  On the back white board is the list of to-do's (should they want to).   On the shelves above are extra supplies that I've put into plastic boxes and neatly labeled (on all four sides and lid).  I finally did look up on-line to see if there was some psychological meaning to my recent impulse to put things in boxes and slap a label on it.  Found nothing specific except that labeling things imparts in a person a feeling of security and control over their environment.  Could be.  Hadn't realized I was in need of that assurance.  Thought instead it might be a subconscious revolt against years of sitting in meetings where someone would inevitably say "Think outside the box".  

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