Friday, July 12, 2024

Torch Cactus Flower


Excerpts from the Sheriff's Report:

6:45 a.m. - Caller reported he is on a GPS ankle bracelet.  It is vibrating and he is unsure why.  An officer responded to make sure the person is where he is suppose to be.  Dispatch contacted probation office after hours, reported they show no violation or occurrences that happened.  The law enforcement officer being assigned was cancelled.

8:46 a.m. - Subject face down not moving, looks like they need help.

8:48 a.m. - Caller requesting to speak to a deputy about trespassing that occurred this week.  Has some pictures of the suspects.  Reports two people were in kayaks on the stream they were trying to prove is a water way.  They broke some limbs on trees he planted.

1:12 p.m. - Man entered Village Hall screaming, being belligerent toward staff and demanding a sex offender poster with a photo be taken off the public information bulletin board.  Caller reported this has happened multiple time in the past few weeks and they are becoming fearful of this continuing.  The suspect was considered boisterous, yelling, using profanity toward village staff and saying his picture needed to be taken down or else.  His behavior also disturbed people in the next door library.  Officer went to the suspect's home and spoke with him through a screen door.  Suspect slammed the door.  Officer left a ticket for disorderly conduct in the screen door.

4:19 p.m. - Officer shown video of a suspect giving a middle finger toward a person taking video during a child exchange.  Officer advised this is not illegal as it is freedom of expression.

6:58 p.m. - Male subject parked in middle of street angrily ranting about City Police Department, County Sheriff's Department, and this part of the state in general.  He was asked to move on and not park in roadway.

9:27 p.m. - Assist citizen.  Male subject miscalculated time to walk from Thronapple Dam to the city to get a bite to eat and was caught in rain storm.  Subject given a ride to Kwik Trip and back to his vehicle at the dam.

10:06 p.m. - Parent called to request an officer respond to her home and have a talk with her 11-year old who is getting violent and not listening.  Officer responded and told juvenile to listen to his mother.

10:55 p.m. - Received call from concerned neighbor about two middle aged males with tattoos driving a SUV snooping round a vacant farm next to the caller's residence and also checking out a cabin whose owners are not around.  She talked with the driver and he asked where the Ponderosa was located.  Caller reports SUV still driving around area.  Patrol of area.  Did not locate vehicle in question.

11:45 p.m. - Caller stating the house next door is vacant  but someone was working on it earlier today.  Doors are open and lights are on.  Caller doesn't believe anyone is inside now.  Responding officers observed all the doors of the residence are open and that there is wet paint on the wood floor of the porch when they stepped in it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the cactus flower. Unusual looking.
