Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Yellow Warbler

Yesterday was the county's Clean Sweep Day.  Annually the county announces a day they will dispose of old tires, hazardous chemicals, and old electronics for a small fee.  It's held from 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. at the Highway Department Complex which has sufficient room to handle the number of cars coming in to drop things off.  Well ... sort of enough room.  Arriving when it first opens at 2 means you'll wait in a long line.  Getting there when local businesses close means you'll wait in a long line.  Being there at the end of their scheduled time means you may or may not get in a long line but potentially not be able to drop off your junk.  I decided to go at 2:30 thinking that would give time for the beginning line to be handled, before any business in the area closes, and the workers emptying your car would still be in a fairly good mood.  A vital piece of info that I didn't put into the equation was that this year the county had waived any fees on electronics.  Half an hour after start time there was still a long line of cars on the road's shoulder waiting to enter - all w/ electronics.   I joined it and put another disk into my car's CD player.   Hmm... I finally got rid of all of my cathode ray tube TV's last year.  From the number of them being taken out of truck beds ahead of me, I wasn't the last one in the county to do so.   Once it was my turn, the workers made quick work of grabbing my vacuum from the 80's, a Roomba, and a breadmaking machine that no longer heats.  They wished me a good day.    Even though it took an hour I was in a pretty good mood - while waiting I had listened to a few chapters of my book and it was heartening that at least parts of those electronics will get recycled.

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