Monday, June 24, 2024

Twelve-spotted Skimmer dragonfly

Summer solstice was June 20th when the sun's path is the furthest North in the Northern Hemisphere.  We say it's the beginning of summer.  In the Nordic countries Midsommer is celebrated on June 24th and in much earlier times was considered the middle of the summer (i.e. growing season).    Each country there has it's way of celebrating.  On the morning constitutional I brushed my hand through the tall grasses and washed my face with dew.  I highly recommend it.  Another way of celebrating is to take  time in the out of doors.   Fortunately, today's rain isn't suppose to arrive until late tonight so Whip and I enjoyed a leisurely walk.  Saw a orange-belted bee which is my fav kind of bee.  The winterberry and grey dogwood have lots of tiny blooms.  Battalions of dragonflies patrolled just over the tops of the tall grass.  Think they are looking for mosquitoes.  The swallow chicks must have fledged 'cause there was a lot of swooping and attempts to land on the tops of grass stems.  Back home on the deck Whip began barking.  A bear was standing in the meadow appraising us.  When I joined Whip it dropped to all fours and ran off toward the forest crossing one of my paths as it went.  That's how I saw the two tiny cubs following in her swath.  Yikes!  Will need to keep some distance from her.  Just after dark I heard great horned owls calling back and forth.  Olivia said she'd heard them while she was here.  Could also make out the sound of far off thunder.  Decided against another tradition of building a bonfire and jumping over it.  Maybe I'll do that on the 4th.  Build a bonfire, I mean, no plans on jumping it.

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