Thursday, June 27, 2024

Grey Dogwood blossoms

Temps in the low 70's, a nice breeze, sun/some fluffy clouds.  Lush growth from all of the rain.  The animals, birds, and insects have abundant food and their young are thriving.  It's another perfect day in God's Country.  You don't have to take just my word for it.  The sun was getting ready to set yesterday and I figured I would combine the nightly constitutional w/ bringing in the garbage can from the end of the driveway.  There was a white car parked across the road in Neighbor Doug & Anita's access to their hay field.  I could hear voices.  Four girls - highschool or college aged - in the hay field were running back and forth, taking pictures, and laughing a whole lot.   Most likely some visiting relatives of the Dearhamers.  The dog and I walked down the drive, retrieved the can, and meandered back to the house.  The girls were still frolicking in the field.  Seemed a little odd.   I did the nosy neighbor thing and sent a text to Doug asking who they were.  Turns out he didn't know either.  He jumped on his four-wheeler to check what was up.  The girls ran back to their car when they saw him coming but didn't leave.  They told him they were so awe-struck w/ how beautiful it was being on top of the ridge, the tall waving hay, the surrounding blue hills, the sunset, and the joy of being young and alive that they had pulled into the field to enjoy it all.  See ... it's not just me that thinks this is God's Country.  (Although instead of a serpent we do have ticks.)

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