Friday, June 14, 2024

Yellow Hawkweed

Excerpts from Sheriff's Report:

12:53 a.m. - Traffic stop.  Driver told officer he stole the vehicle.  Checked bars and left messages for registered owner, who called back and said the suspect did not have permission to take the vehicle.  Keys had been left inside the vehicle.  Driver arrested.

8:34 a.m. - Divorce finalized two months ago with the wife awarded the cabin, all furniture and items contained therein.  Caller reported the ex-husband later came and took 12 items including furniture and kayak, sending her texts and pictures of the taken items.  She wants a burglary complaint filled out.

9:13 a.m. - Woman taking cast iron pipe and maybe other items from a construction site.  Suspect not found.  Building secured.

11:39 a.m. - Officer with very young juvenile on unlicensed UTV with no helmet or plates.  Officer followed him home and spole with his mother about UTV laws.

Noon - Caller reported boat close to his dock and they snagged it.  Caller confronted boat owner who responded he was going to beat up caller.  One called the dock owner's wife a bitch.  Dock owner went to boat ramp and described a vehicle possibly related to the boat.  Officer spoke with caller who was told fishing around dock was not illegal.  Also snagging a dock is not illegal as proof would be needed if it is intentional.  The only issue is the confrontation between both parties.  Officer went to boat ramp to find the boater and the vehicle was still there but the boat was not visible.  Officer returned to dock owner who was told confronting people fishing might not be the best thing.  Caller said he will confront them if they snag his dock.  Officer waited about 45 minutes but boater did not come back.

1:18 p.m. - Caller pulled over to help someone out of gas.  Made an offer to get him gas and the man said he just wanted money.  

2:07 p.m. - Person removed stakes from a property marked for sewer and utility work the village needs done.  This has happened three times and not a property line issue.  Officer will try to explain this to the person.

3:49 p.m. - Report of an elderly man in a wheelchair looking pretty wet.  Officer contacted the man and the man could not find his residence.  Officer offered a ride but the man refused as he had two cats that were following  him home.  Officer showed man where his house was and assisted him by walking him back to the residence.

4:50 p.m. - Assist citizen.  911 request help getting out of woods.  Fire Department responded with Argo and contacted person, attempting to walk individual to main trail.  They made it back.  No medical transport.

5:22 p.m. - Caller reported a large snapping turtle by their driveway.  They tried to get it moved but it is very upset and bit off a large stick.  The turtle has been moving toward their house.  Officer was able to remove the turtle from the property.

6:06 p.m. - Caller reported a woman pulled down her pants and urinated on the sidewalk, wants this person talked to as she seems to cause problems each summer.  Officer located suspect, she was arrested.

7:01 p.m. - Man hitting pavement with a stick and swinging it at passing vehicles.  Officer found suspect holding a long iron road and asked man to drop it.  He did.  The man said he called it "Hitler's Iron Rod".  The man had been trying to throw it over power lines.  Officer drove man home where his father was not comfortable with his son remaining there.  The man was speaking incoherently.  He was taken to the law enforcement center for a mental health evaluation.  County human services found he did not meet criteria for an emergency detention.  He was released and asked to come back to county servces to see about a group home.

9:37 p.m. - Caller wants to speak with a deputy about being upset with boyfriend.  Officer spoke with woman who changed her mind.  She was told to call back if she changes back.  She called back to say she doesn't need officer and both will separate for the night.

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