Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Water Arum

I spent much of the day reading a book.  Shouldn't have but it was an interesting read.  Sort of a Jurassic Park but with creatures from the Pleistocene.  I'd figured out who-dun-it early on but the author kept throwing in red herrings that made me wonder if I was correct until the big reveal.  It rained this morning but then the sun came out and humidity rose.  Fortunately when it's in the low 70's humidity doesn't feel that bad.   Once I hit the end of the book I grabbed Whip and we went for a walk.  Good to be active after all of that sitting and to clear my mind.  Watched a bobolink playing in the wind.  Northern bluet damselflies must have recently hatched because they were everywhere.   Patches of yellow trefoil, orange hawkweed, and white daisys pockmark the fields.   Of course, all of this means that the stuff I had planned for today didn't get done.  However, Whip's happy, I'm happy, and the cats are asleep.  Life is good.

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