Sunday, June 09, 2024


I walked out onto the deck early this morning to replace the bird feeders.  It's a great time to be alive: the world feels fresh, the peonies are in bloom, and at my feet is a dead rat.   Hmmm...  I don't think it crawled on the deck to my back door to die of old age.  A more likely scenerio is this:  the TV show Svengoolie airs on Saturday night (he was showing Monolith Monsters last night).  Friend Kathy in Texas and I watch it while texting back and forth.  I didn't get around to going outside and bringing in the bird feeders until after the show finished.  It was getting fairly dark already.  Something run through the grass near me.  I screamed.  Whip ran after it into the tall grass.  I let her do her thing while I brought in all of the feeders.  I finished up at the front door and whistled.  She came trotting around the corner of the house.  I turned in for the night.  Best guess it was a rat that ran past me.  Whip eventually caught, killed, and left it by the back door for me.   Indy also had caught/killed a rat once.   She wouldn't eat it either.  Hard to believe that there is a limit to what a dog will eat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job, Whip!
I once witnessed a mouse walk halfway across my kitchen floor, collapse and die just as I was eating my breakfast. Yuck. I assumed it was old age since neither of our cats were chasing it at the time?