Sunday, June 23, 2024

Viceroy butterfly

The state of Louisiana has passed a law that the Bible's Ten Commandments be displayed in every classroom - public school and college - in the state.  The given reasoning is that the Ten Commandments is a foundational document of their state and the nation.  That makes no sense.  Only three of the commandments are even mentioned in law - killing, stealing, and lying (under oath).   The Magna Carta had a much more profound affect in the writing of the Constitution and the first 10 amendments.  How about the Mayflower Compact that set rules for self-governance in the New World?  In 1988 Congress passed a resolution acknowledging the influence of the Iroquois Confederacy on the precepts in the Constitution.  Why not require that info be on display?  Pretty obvious that the sole purpose of this Louisiana law is to pander and pimp out part of a text I hold as sacred.   My suggestion is Louisiana instead put up a quote by Thomas Jefferson in their state capitol building: 
 "Mix religion and politics, and you get politics."


Anonymous said...

I admire this perspective. -Olivia

Anonymous said...

Well put Susan!


Anonymous said...

I'm borrowing this.