Sunday, June 30, 2024


Town Planning Commission Meeting was this week.  Thought the town-wide garbage pickup idea I'd suggested had been dismissed but there it was again on the agenda.    Turns out a garbage company that wants to expand into our area sent the Board a request to bid on garbage pickup for the whole town.  Felt a little spooky - like those ads for something you thought you'd only mentioned on a phone call starting to pop up on your Internet feeds.  Tabled it until a company rep can attend a meeting and answer questions.  The couple that wants to open their garage for a summer bar is actually going to happen.  Between a state law change and the couple dropping their request for a liquor license, they were able to get a beer-wine license w/o having to buy one from a surrounding community.   Could be a lot of these popping up which won't make the back roads any safer.  One permit request for a mobile home installation.   Recommending the Board accept the permit was moot since the County has already allowed it.   Then on to an update on the picture contest.  No pictures were submitted.  We've limited it to the 4-H group and they've changed leaders this month.  4-H wants to continue the contest for another two months.  The commission members suggested trying the Boy Scoluts (which means I'll also need to contact the Girl Scouts since there is a rivalry here).    I'll do that next week.   Finally got through the Road Weight Limit Ordinance w/ some major rewrites.  Finally, discussion about switching the meeting back to it's original start time of 6:30 p.m..  The start time had been moved to 7 to accomodate the schedule of a member who no longer attends.   I was happy when the group decided to keep the 7 p.m. start.  Think I'm an 'o-clock' kinda girl.

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