Monday, July 01, 2024



During the winter a rabbit lives under the deck.  During the warmer months she moves away to her summer digs: somewhere further from the dog, with plenty of hiding places, and a place she can dig a deep burrow.   That's out by the end of the driveway.  (A rabbit's usual range is 5-10 acres if there is sufficient food.)  Her kits are born there.  Once the little ones can bounce around on their own they like to play on the driveway, take dust baths on the gravel, and eat the more tender growth where I mow at the edges.  Their idea of hiding when Whip and I take our constitutional is to freeze in place.  Not a great plan.  Whip keeps a constant eye on them but so far listens to me about not giving chase. Hopefully they will build up more of their rabbit skills as they grow.  This morning I noticed Mom Rabbit coming across the lawn, tucking under the deck, and then come back out again.  Assume she checks periodically to make sure her winter cabin is still available.

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