Thursday, June 20, 2024

Highbush Cranberry


Second week of the Summer Reading Program.  Tonight was 'A Night at the Museum'.  When I arrived to the library for my shift, the two volunteers had no instructions about prep for the night.    The librarian was off on a supper break and the head of the program was on vacation.  Children slowly started arriving and wanting to 'spin the wheel' for a gift because they had read (or been read to) during the past week.  Their parents unloaded backpacks of books to be checked back in.    Children came to the front desk to check out more books.  It was getting busy.  Volunteers Tom and Ginger arrived and seemed to know what was suppose to happen tonight for the program.  The children would walk to our local museum about three buildings away and afterward they would have flavored ices as a treat and go out onto the lawn to play.  The museum rep arrived but said they could only have 20 people at a time in the museum and there were twice that number signed up.   Change in plans.  Half of the families went w/ the museum rep and the remaining children and parents at the library had a storybook read to them and then the kids played bingo.  The bingo game took a long time since children continuely said they had bingo but had just put markers on numbers not called.   When the first group from the museum came back, the second group went over.  The first group had a book read to them and then Tom began to make flavored ices.  When the second group returned they also got ices.  Unfortunately, it had begun to rain so the children stayed inside the library and some inevitably dropped their ices here and there.  The librarian, who was back from break, was kept busy.  Everything had taken longer than planned so I didn't get out of the library until 8 - an hour over the usual closing.  Tom did bring me a black raspberry ice though - totally excellent.

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