Friday, June 21, 2024


The lead story on the news has been the high temps across the country.  At the beginning of the month local weather forecasters gave dire warnings of heat and humidity coming here and had tips about how to stay cool.  The high heat hasn't happened.  I've been wearing t-shirts but w/ a long-sleeved shirt over them.  The electric blanket is still on my bed and I've been using it most nights to warm the bed before I get in.  I did finally go downtown to the landromat today.  My three largest winter quilts don't fit in my wash machine so I wash them in their mega washers before packing them away for the season.  I only did it because it's almost July and it seemed wrong to still have them on the beds.  OK, the thermometer affixed to the outside of my window did read 100 degrees when the dog and I went out for our morning constitutional.  That's because when the sun rises it shines directly on it.  Later in the morning it read a more normal 57 degrees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We're envious of 57 degrees! Decatur Indiana is 91 degrees today which is cooler than yesterday, by a smidge.