Saturday, June 22, 2024

Green Bottle Fly

Tonight's Svengoolie movie was 'The Leech Woman'.  One of my fav's but Friend Kathy said she might beg out of watching the entire thing.  She said the show kept referring to "old women" and it was depressing.  We texted back and forth finally deciding one isn't really o-l-d until you reach 85 years.  That point adjudicated we watched the rest of the flick in peace.  Well...  Kathy did have questions about the location of the pineal gland and if the ring could actually reach it.   Also, the wrinkles on the face and hands of the characters did appear to be created by applying Elmer's Glue and letting it dry.  Don't think that film was in the running for Oscar for Best Makup and Hair.    


Anonymous said...

Or acting...


Anonymous said...

Think you should up that to 90.