Sunday, June 02, 2024

Cotton grass in the Tamarack swamp

Spring in the Northwoods has been phenomenal: temps in the 60's-low 70's, plenty of rain, plenty of sun.   Means everything is growing fast and that includes the lawn.  Mowed that on Thursday before library duty.  Mowed the close in trails on Friday before a rainstorm caught me.  Rain off and on most of Saturday.  This afternoon's priority was to finish mowing the trails further out.   Actually one of the more pleasureable tasks I have to do.  Couldn't get across one dip where the water running off the fields empties into the swamp but that often happens in the spring.  It will dry up in the summer and I can do the trails on the other side then.  I wanted to make sure the trails I couldn't get to today though were still clearly marked.  Back home Whip and I jumped in the UTV.  We drove back out to the dip where Jormungandr easily crossed water and mud.  Ran along the trail I couldn't mow.  Was such a pretty day decided to continue on and take Neighbor Blake's road through the swamp.  Had to make a stop at the tamarack swamp though.  All of the cotton grass is in bloom - looks almost like snow drifts in among the trees.

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