Saturday, June 01, 2024

Blackberry blossoms

Rain stopped early afternoon and the sun came out.  Got my first chance to sit out on the deck this year w/o a jacket.  Cool enough still to be able to sit on the sunny side.  I donned sunglasses, shucked my shoes, brought out the CD player so I could listen to my audio book, picked up a Pepsi, stuck my phone in one pocket, placed a few dog treats in another.  By the time I got out on the deck a black cloud was overhead and it was sprinkling again.  I decided a little rain was not going to deter me and the cloud moved on within a few minutes.  Threw treats for the dog to catch (or sniff out if she missed).  Then she lay on the deck to watch over the meadow.  The book is a good one - werewolf folklore, an escaped psychopath,  people trapped by a landslide at a modern day castle, seething grudges, and the bodies start dropping.  Enough wind to keep the mosquitoes at bay.  What better way to pick up that extra vitamin D the doc wants me to get.

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