Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Blue eyed grass and Red sorrel

 Excerpts from the Sheriff's Report:
12:55 a.m. - Vehicle hit tree, airbags deployed.  Driver may have run to a nearby home.  Officers contacted vehicle owner who said her son had the vehicle and will come to the scene.  The mother said her son called her crying and saying he had drank alcohol before the crash.  None of the occupants of the residence answered the door.  Tickets will be issued.

1:54 a.m. - A man seen trying to open doors of county vehicles on the south lot of the courthouse.  Officer contacted suspect who will be moving along.

2:12 a.m. - Report of a vehicle stuck on a trail in the woods.  Vehicle found stuck on a dirt mound at the end of a trail.  Firearm confiscated.  Driver will try to get vehicle unstuck after he sobers up.

2:27 a.m. - Caller just saw a man enter a vehicle and search through it.  Unknown if anything was stolen.  The man was in the back seat moving a container and possibly going through their belongings.  Owners checked and it doesn't look like anything was taken.  Based on past calls during the night the suspect is known to law enforcement.

3:08 a.m. - Caller reported a man was digging through his vehicle.  Officer made contact with suspect matching the description.  The suspect was told to stay away from people's vehicles and if there is another similar report further action will be taken.  The suspect told the officer he understood.  The caller did not want criminal action taken as nothing was stolen.

8 a.m. - An agitated and uncooperatie male caller upset after dropping off children with his ex-wife.  He was upset he didn't get custody of the children on Sunday then he hung up.  The mother was able to provide court documents that show Sunday is an approved day and she gets the kids from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. that day.  The father wanted the mother charged with kidnapping.  Officers informed the father to call his lawyer or the court.

10:55 a.m. - A caller told dispatch, "this guy must be drunk!" as his pastry van driver was all over the road and in the wrong lane of traffic.  Pastry driver was ticketed for reckless driving and arrested on a probation and parole warrant which will be adding charges.  The driver admitted he was on his phone and in the opposite lane of traffice, likely falling asleep while driving.  Arrangements were being made to deliver the rest of the desserts in the pastry van.

12:44 p.m. - Caller reported he was on a trip and got a text message about how to pay tolls online.  He entered his drivers license number, date of birth, address, and credit card number before realizing this state doesn't have tolls.  He canceled his credit card and doesn't see any changes made.  Officers told him to monitor his credit.

2:12 p.m. - Report of a man on private property.  Officer spoke with the man who said he was picking lilac flowers.  The man was advised this is trespassing and he said he and his son will stay off the property.

4:32 p.m. - A person wanted to file a discrimination complaint against the county for refusing him a place to live because his fiance is on probation.  Officer told person housing can be denied based on a background check.  The person said he can't be denied because he is a domestic abuse victim.  The officer said he cannot enforce this matter and informed the person he can hire an attorney to look into this matter.

8:06 p.m. - Anonymous caller reported someone burning leaves with black smoke.  Concerned with the amount of leaves burning and strong wind.  Responding officer reported the fire is not under control, a tree is starting to burn and there is a structure nearby.  The fire is continuing to spread and a garage is on fire.  Two fire departments responded.  Two people were the only ones there.  No injuries.  Report turned over to DNR.

10:02 p.m. - Traffic stop for failing to stop at a stop sign.  The vehicle did not have registration plates.  It also did not have a windshield.  The driver said he did not have insurance.  Ticket issued for operating without insurance.  Warnings issued for no registration plate, failing to stop at a stop sign, and operating without a windshield.

11:54 p.m. - Report of a female screaming.  Officer listened to an audio recording of the noise and believes it is the sound of foxes as there are several by the train tracks.


Anonymous said...

That wasn't you or Doug on the 2:12 call?

SRM said...

a.m. or p.m. ?