Thursday, June 06, 2024

College Grad

It occurred to me that 50 years ago around this time I graduated from college.  The rest of this blog post is going to be nostalgic so skip it if you aren't in the mood.   I was pretty fortunate - the 1960's had reshaped American societal norms and the 70's pushed women's lib.  So, while there were only four women in the physics program, I don't remember anyone treating us differently.  (That wouldn't begin until I started working.)   No personal computers.  When we sat down for class we all pulled out our slide rules.  There were computers of course: large mainframe computers - one for running the university and one for student use.   My advisor wanted everyone taking his astronomy classes to interact w/ the computer so he told me to write programs his students could use.  I figured out how to program and soon most of my spare time was spent punching cards and studying green bar paper readouts (yes, this was back in the Stone Age).    I still have my slide rule and a leather mini skirt from those days.  Good times.


Anonymous said...

Love the picture and the memories.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Love it!

I just found my slide rule. Giving it to my grand nephew; am guessing he won't know what it is.


Anonymous said...

I remember this picture of you! Very beautiful.