Thursday, May 23, 2024

Pin Cherries


I don't know if we have a town drunk.  For all I know there could be multiple people vying for the position.  We do have a town kook.    I first was introduced to her when I was town clerk and later ran into her when I started as an election poll worker.  I don't remember everyone's name but her's is burnt into my mind.  Every so often I hear someone mention her and shake their head.  Tonight it was the librarian who had concerns about the latest scheme the lady was proposing.  Town kooks add a flavor to their community and, luckily, communities are no longer allowed to burn them at the stake.


Anonymous said...

I have read your police blotter. Your little town has more than one kook. Lol!


Anita D. said...

Inquiring minds want to wouldn't start with S would it?

SRM said...

No - neither the first nor last name starts w/ an "S". (Tell me you weren't thinking of me.) CJB is probably correct - there is more than one 'kook' in the town.