Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day

 The birds are acting strange.  I first noticed a little song sparrow jumping around on the bench outside the front door.  He seemed interested in coming through the sidelight next to the door but, of course, the glass stopped him.  He jumped around a little, flew off, returned, repeated.  As birds do, each time he took off he 'lightened his load' by defecating.  Had no idea how persistent he was til I noticed that the bench really needed cleaning.  Did that and within the hour, it needed to be done again.  That's been going on for the last three days.   ***   Phil and Sheila have both cars here and park them by the garage doors on Mjolnir.  Phil noticed when he comes out in the morning his passenger side mirror has been pecked and "lightened load" been left down the side.  He washed it off for two days and then parked his car on the east side of Mjolnir.  In the morning the mirror was again pecked plus a little fecal sac was left on top of his tire.  Great.  However, Sheila's car mirror was also pecked and similarily ill-treated.  ***  Phil was putting up a shelf in Sleipnir and surprised to hear a bird repeatedly trying to get in one of the windows there.  Later when I went out to admire the new shelf, the bird was still battering at the window w/ beak and wings.   I'd start to whistle the theme song to Hitchcock's The Birds but I don't think it has one. 


Anonymous said...

Your flowers are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I appreciate that you do this every year!