Sunday, May 26, 2024

Grandparents flowers

 I've been impressed shopping around here where check-out people deftly do their jobs.  I realize they probably do it many many times a day but it is still fascinating watching as they precisely know what to do, when to do it, and their job is done quickly, correctly, and even w/ a smile.    It's made even more striking when I'm confronted with the opposite situation.  The next stop after picking up the mail, a book, some plants, and a new trimmer was to buy two frozen pizzas in case I needed them over the long holiday weekend.  Usually takes five minutes tops - the freezer is right next to the checkout and I know which end of the freezer the pizzas I prefer are stacked.   Left Phil in the car and said I'd be right back.  Only one lady in line before me.  She had a poster she asked the pizza place to put up.  The check-out person took it and read through it as she explained she was from the historical society and this was a promotion for children to get coupons from various local vendors when they attend their summer program.  He finished reading and said the owner was at her son's graduation but he would give it to her when she returned.  The lady explained she had called the owner previously and been told there would be coupons available for her today.  The young man said he'd have to text the owner about that and proceeded to take out his phone and send a text.  He waited.  The lady realizing I was standing behind her w/ two defrosting pizzas suggested to the checkout person that he could handle my purchase while waiting for a call-back.  He said, "Sure", and moved my pizzas next to the checkout and entered their prices.  His phone rang.  He walked off to a quieter area.  Wait staff were bustling around but no one came to take his place until one waitress recognized the lady and stopped to say hello and chat.  After the pleasantries were out of the way the historical society lady said she also wanted to purchase two gift certificates and the waitress pulled out a book from beneath the counter, opened it, and began to enter the gift certificate data, bracing her elbow on top of my pizzas.  I gently tugged them out from her elbow.  "Oh they aren't bothering me, sweetie" she said.  "But they are my pizzas." I replied.  She didn't hear me as she called over her shoulder to someone else asking how long gift coupons were good for.   The original checkout person returned from where ever he'd walked and moved some cooling breadsticks from the baking counter to a basket filled w/ others.  He seemed to mindlessly walk off toward the back again before returning and suddenly remembering checking me - almost - out.  He rushed over and both the waitress and he tried to enter their data simultaneously into the single cash register.  I couldn't watch.  Three "I'm sorry for your wait" later, I was back at the car.  Phil had taken off his sweatshirt, had dug out the instructions for the trimmer, and had figured out the charger I have for the chainsaw will also work for charging the new trimmer's battery.  Had more stops to make but felt suddenly 'shopped out'.  Drove back home.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Glad you can put real flowers at the grave sites each year.