Friday, March 17, 2023

Sun Pillar


A storm was due to hit yesterday: partially rain, partially snow, a lot of wind.  Decided to go out for a drive early before it arrived.  Got breakfast, picked up a latte to go, checked my mailbox, bought the weekly paper, and drove home.  On the way back I passed a 'convoy' of big rigs coming out of the hills.  Each semi was hauling a heavy piece of machinery.  Oh ... yes.  Friday the road bans go on and the loggng companies needed to move their equipment now or it would remain where it was until the bans go off.  The storm started as rain so as many times as I tried to let Whip out, she just sat by the door watching it come down.  Finally around sunset it switched over to snow and Whip happily went on a constitutional w/ me.  This morning there was a drift right in front of the doorway but none on the rest of the driveway.  As the dog and I walked along I thought about it.  With the amount of snow and especially the wind I expected parts of the drive would have been impassable or close to it.  Put it down to I was getting overly cautious in my old age.  It wasn't until we arrived back home that I noticed the drift in front of the door truncated abruptly at the garage door.  I looked around again w/ different eyes.  I could see the signs now.  The plow guy had already been here!  I looked at Whip and she looked up at me.  "I did tell you." she said.  Oh, that's why she was barking in the night.

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