Friday, November 04, 2022


As promised, the appliance store called in the morning and estimated the refrigerator would be delivered that day around 3.  Problem.  I take off to work at the library at 3:30 and if I'm not there the afternoon volunteer would need to close the library.  I double-checked again the measurements for where the refrigerator would go.  Had I accounted for the trim on the pantry when I measured?  I looked around.  I throw sheets on some of the furniture so pet hair doesn't get everywhere.  Should I remove them so the place looks nice for the delivery people?  Mini panic attack.  Calmed down by getting on my hands and knees and scrubbing the kitchen's tile floor.  I planned out the route they would take through the house: garage-foyer-kitchen.  Removed the pictures hanging on back wall of the foyer for safe keeping.  Moved Whip's bed and food bowl temporarily to laundry room.  Moved the to-go table and the potted plant into dining room.  Drove to the library around noon when the afternoon volunteer comes on duty and explained the situation.  She had no problem staying later if need be.  I left the garage door open and parked the car outside.  The delivery guys called to say they were running early.  They arrived a little after 2.  They liked the larger doors I have in the house but one still popped the foyer and kitchen doors off the hinges while the other maneuvered the fridge off the truck.  It took less time to bring it inside than it took to remove the protective plastic on all of it's corners and drawers.  They  showed me how to turn off the ice-maker (never did understand why anyone would want such a thing), popped the room doors back in place, and were leaving.  "Don't forget to take away the old refrigerator."  I said.  "Already done." they replied.  Sometime when I wasn't looking they had moved the old one from it's temporary location in the garage and onto the truck.   These guys are efficient!  Soon I was alone in the kitchen w/ the new fridge smiling back at me.  Think we'll be good friends.


Brent said...

Glad the timing worked well and you have a new fridge. Looks like a bottom freezer. Had one of those and liked it. We use our ice maker every day.

Anonymous said...

I think we have the same fridge - Nancy

Anonymous said...

And I like having an ice maker! Nancy

Anonymous said...

Like the double doors and good color choice.
I use my ice maker every day too.


Anonymous said...

Wish we had an icemaker again!