Thursday, November 03, 2022

Autumn Color

A couple of friends and I try to Zoom once a week.  We started during the pandemic and have kept it up.  We all originally met at Honeywell and, similar to work meetings, we send ahead a list of items to talk about. (Some habits die hard.)   During yesterday's meeting I said I wanted to talk about some election rules I found strange.  Interestingly, my friends liked the idea that even obtuse situations had been thought about and rules made before elections.   Then a friend had a story about recycling.  Her husband is in a wine club and the bottles are delivered in beautiful sturdy boxes.  She had been saving them but there is a limit.  She loaded them into the back of her car to take to a company that said they could use them and the tale went on from there.   We discussed WOKE.  It's been mentioned by various politicians lately and, just like Critical Race Theory, no one bothers to describe what they think it means.  It must have different meanings since some promote it and some denigrate it.  Then there was a discussion on giving money to charities.   The down side of that is the charity sells your address to a slew of other organizations and suddenly your mailbox has a daily supply of pleading letters (not to mention requests from the original charity asking for even more money.)  You also start receiving free calendars, scratch pads, and tote bags as enticements to give more but instead just makes you wonder if they are spending your donation on this junk.  Fortunately, I said, our library has a place where you can put calendars you don't want for other people to take for free.  Same w/ scratch pads.  The totes we keep behind the desk and give out to people who check out a bunch of materials and a tote would make it easier for them to handle.  It's surprising how quickly our Zoom time goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good idea for the unwanted calendars, totes and scratch pads!