Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Old Log

The back half of Whip was wriggling in happy anticipation of this morning's constitutional.   Good thing the front half of her where I click on the leash stays still.  The rains and warmth of yesterday are gone.  While the air is still moist and carries the slightly sweet scent of decaying leaves, it does have a definite chill.  The world is in varying shades of grey.  It will be an hour before the sun makes an appearance.  Heard high-pitched yips of a single coyote to the north.  That was answered w/ a whole symphony of howls and calls to the west.  Not exactly the melodious avian morning chorus of Spring but does seem more appropriate for Autumn.  I got to thinking.  It's just too bad everyone doesn't have a dog to drag them out into the magic of pre-dawn.

1 comment:

Brent Mayer said...

I can almost smell the old leaves of Fall from your description.