Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Morning Fog in the Valley

Another beautiful day in the Northwoods.  What can I say ... it's God's Country here.  In the morning there was fog in the low areas that burned off as the day got warmer.  Still outside stuff to do.  Now that the hummingbird feeders are put away, I repositioned most of the shepherd hooks on the south east side of the deck.  This is the side that is somewhat protected from the winter north winds.  Having all of the feeders on one side will also make it easier when I have to daily navigate the snow drifts to refill them.  Also checked and made sure that each peony bush and each oriental lily by the deck is marked w/ a stake.  I don't cut off the dead stalks on these plants since I want them to catch the snow and make a little drift over each plant to protect it from the deep cold.  However in the spring, it's a little hard to tell where the plants were but a stake tells me to be careful when cleaning vegetation in that area.  While we have had a killing frost, grass keeps growing until the ground freezes.  I don't want to have snow falling atop long grass since that promotes little vermin making snow tunnels everywhere.  Mowed the lawn and the paths that were close in.  If it doesn't rain tomorrow, will mow the far out trails.  Stopped around 3 p.m. so I could sit out on the deck.  Listened to an audio book while entertaining Whip by throwing out treats for her to sniff out in the grass.  Got to thinking when I was a teenager I sat out in the sun trying to get a tan - now I'm hoping to soak up a little extra Vitamin D.

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