Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Autumn Color

Was thinking about my winter projects.  I want to scan in a number of old photos and add them to an index I keep of who is in the pic and about what date it was taken.  'A number' seems too vague.  Let's say 100.  This year while I was watching 'Escape to the Chateau' of PBS, one of the main characters was writing up the provenance of certain pieces of furniture at the chateau.  They placed the info in an envelope and taped it to an inconspicuous spot on the furniture piece.  I have a few things around the house that I'd like to do that with - the blanket chest, the pew, a chest of drawers, etc.  I'll try and post when I do a piece so that should be enough to remind me to get that project done.  I should also go through all my books.  That will be a tough project.  When I was just starting out on my own, I remember books made up the bulk of my possessions.  Most have no value now but I've carried them w/ me from residence to residence.  Am guessing most of them will get dusted off and placed back in the same shelf they were taken from.   I'll martyr a few I suppose - Learning Japanese, A Standard Guide to Cat Breeds, Understanding Islam.  Maybe ... Maybe not.

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