Friday, October 07, 2022

Autumn Color

 For the second week of October I ordered the DVD Hocus Pocus from the library system. Hocus Pocus didn't get rave reviews when it first came out.  OK it's got a lot of questionable plot quirks like why the Sanderson Sisters couldn't think of any option better than being hung by the town's people ... - ... why they didn't focus on taking one child's life force which would have kept them alive instead of seeking revenge  ... - ... why they were gullible enough to think a guy in a red suit was Satan.  On the other hand, they are the bad guys so we're all glad they lack a certain amount of mental prowess.  It's an engaging movie- funny, great costumes, a song and dance number.  Just like when watching Hogan's Heroes though it's best not to remember the historical reality behind the jokes and laughter.  1693 was not a good time for women (or men) to be different or tick off neighbors.  Glad that in our present age it's OK to practice your religion freely, enjoy various music genres, have separate traditions, etc.  Still not a good idea to tick off neighbors.   However now, thankfully, they only sue instead of hang you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So far anyway.