Friday, October 07, 2022

Yellow Toadflax

The weatherman described today as an 'upside down day' - e.g. it would get progressively colder as the day went on.   So Whip and I went out early in the day while the sun was still out and I only needed a t-shirt.  I'm guessing the area has just passed peak color since w/ each wind gust a rain of colorful leaves fell from the forest canopy.  By this afternoon's library duty it had begun to rain and I'd added a long-sleeved flannel shirt.  Had a regular on one of the computers when I walked in.  He stayed another hour before looking for a book and checking out.  A woman came in w/ very young kids to pick out some more  books for them.  Our county participates in Dolly Parton's Imagination Library Program.  Children registered in the program are mailed a book a month from ages 2 to 5.  Hopefully, will get kids into the habit of reading before they begin school.  The next person in just wanted to drop off a book but stopped to talk for awhile about what she thought of it and eventually left w/ another book by the same author.  Most people come through the doors w/ a purpose so I noticed the next guy that sort of walked in and stopped.  I asked if I could show him around the library but he said he'd been here before and then ambled over toward the 'For Sale' nook.  I didn't want to be intrusive but thought I'd ask if he was interested in anything particular.  "Nope, just looking around." he said.  I felt I could take it one step further.  "We have another room of books for sale.  Would you like to see it?"  He said sure and I took him down the hall to our staging area for book sales.  He was impressed and started talking.  He was newly retired.  Was doing a few teaching classes for a company but was looking ahead to options of what to do during the winter.  Guess that is a Autumn activity for everyone in the Northwoods.

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