Sunday, September 18, 2022

Touch of Color

My senator earlier this year refused to work w/ a company headquartered in our state to add more jobs here rather than have them go to another state. My senator explained that "It's not like we don't have enough jobs here ...The biggest problem we have ... right now is employers not being able to find enough workers."  Instead my senator proposed that retired people be "coaxed" to go back to work.  You see, my senator isn't a big fan of Social Security benefits.  He suggested last month that Social Security and Medicare not be entitlement programs but be reduced to discretionary programs so the amount of funding would require yearly approval by Congress.  My question is why isn't my senator asking that the illegals coming across our southern borders be shipped to our state?  Don't get me wrong.  Moving people (yes, even non-US citizens are people) around the country like pawns in a political chess game is abhorrent.  However if my state is so in need of workers, why not seek out those people asking for asylum that want to come to our state.   Our state will pay their way north, aid them in getting their paperwork thru the governmental systems, and have jobs waiting for them when they are approved to work.  It's a win-win.  I'm convinced that my senator would be open to such a program if the illegal immigrants were instead coming across our northern borders.


Anonymous said...

That's far too kind & logical an idea for your senator.


Anonymous said...

I have learned a lot about the US Immigration department since April when our Ukrainian refugee family arrived. It's very screwed up.
But I don't know why the point you are making is so difficult for our government to understand?! Everywhere is hiring or so it seems. Those seeking entry to the USA are looking to protect and provide for their families. We need workers. They need jobs.
There seems to be a simple solution for this! :-)

Anonymous said...

I totally agree, have been saying that for a long time. Just one bone to pick. They really aren't illegal because they are seeking asylum and have been vetted and are awaiting a hearing.