Sunday, September 11, 2022

Sunrise and fog

Lost the dog while we were out on Jormungandr.  Stopped and while I checked out some plants, she took off down the path following her nose.  I called for her when I was ready to go but no Whip.  I had put the shock collar on her so used it.  It's got a range of close to a mile and she couldn't have gotten that far.  However it's only set to vibrate and emit a beep but that has been enough to get her to return.  Still no dog.   Decided this wasn't a 'shockable offense' (e.g. too  close to the highway or chasing fawns) so didn't raise the level on the unit but instead returned home.  Whip and I had walked this far out often so I knew she would be able to find her way home when she grew tired of whatever she was up to.  I parked Jormungandr near the front door since I planned on using it later.  That's when I saw the front door was open.  Kicked myself for not being more careful and went in to check if the cats were still inside.  Not only were the cats in the house but there was Whip curled up on the couch and thumping her tail when she saw me.  She'd beat me back home plus opened the door and let herself inside.  Thought about it.  Usually when I 'buzz' her we do go back inside the house.   Possibly if I'm not nearby she's associated going home w/ the buzzer sound.   Have always maintained she's a smart dog.

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