Monday, September 12, 2022

Goldenrod Crab Spider


I was working on taping plastic over the plant stands that the brothers made for Sleipnir this year.  I stepped back after finishing layering one set of stands and admired what a great job I'd done.   Went to get the plastic for the second plant stand and saw Whip had jumped into the passenger seat of Jormungandr.  She just sat there looking at me, tongue lolling out, patiently waiting.   Put down the plastic and off Whip and I drove to the back pastures.  Along the way somewhere we picked up another passenger - this crab spider.  She's a female.  Crab spiders can slowly (over days) change their color to match the environment - which this time of year is goldenrod.  She doesn't spin a web but she can make silk for drag lines.  She had spun one to keep her place on the steering wheel as we bounced along the trail.  I had just been thinking I needed to find more spiders.  Another little piece of serendipity.

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