Saturday, September 24, 2022

Raspberry Leaves

I remember brother Brent looking in my refrigerator and wondering why I had so much cheese.  Thought about that this morning as I got out some aged white cheddar.  The longer cheddar is aged the sharper the flavor.  I've been using it in cheese soufflés to make them tangier w/o changing the amount of cheese added.  At the moment next to the cheddar is a rectangle of pepper jack.  Been slicing that, very thinly, for omelets.   Thin slices lets it melt quickly and evenly across the surface of the omelet before it is rolled up and the peppers in it add a little spiciness to the eggs.  There is a round of Gouda in the refrigerator too. Perfect cheese for a pastrami sandwich in the afternoon.  Also a bag of shredded mozzarella.  Yeah, I know.  Not the way to store cheese but it does make it easy to reach in and grab a little for the top of a pizza before it goes in the oven and to garnish pasta dishes.  Finally there is Colby - longhorn style.  Colby is my fav cheese - much like cheddar but w/ a smoother milder taste.  I use it for anything else - unless of course I need Swiss for a quiche or Muenster for lasagna.   That's not too much cheese, is it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can never have too much cheese! Nancy