Sunday, September 25, 2022

Leaf Peeping

   The last weekend in September is the Leaf Peeping festival.  I'd overheard some of the plans when a subcommittee had an impromptu meeting at the library two weeks ago.  They were working out the mechanics of how to give out pumpkins, hamburgers, and hotdogs to the kids at the park.  Someone was concerned that they not get too many bags of chips since they had leftovers last year and those had gone stale sitting in someone's workroom before the next festival.  "Not a problem." one lady piped up. "The backpack program at the school had more kids sign up than expected."  This program gives children a back pack at the beginning of the school year and each Friday fills up the backpack w/ food for the weekend.  They would happily take any chip bags left over.  The first full day of the festival was cold and spitting rain.  The ski hill opens up the ski lift to everyone so they can go to the highest point in the town and view the colors.  I looked up toward the ski hill.  Couldn't even see it.  Rainy today too on the way to church but toward the end of the sermon the sun was peeking in through the windows.  Once back home I immediately changed my shoes for walking boots and drove to the ski hill.  Bought my tickets for a ride up and a ride back down the ski lift.  Even in that short of time the sky had become overcast again and as I took the ride up could feel some raindrops.  I was the last one up.  Thunder started rumbling while I was still on the lift.  When that happens the people running the lift empty off the riders and wait for 20 minutes before starting up again.  I walked across the top of the hill taking pictures.  The ski lift still hadn't restarted and from this elevated perch I could see a band of rain that appeared to be coming our general direction.  Around me people were beginning to walk down one of the easier ski trails.  I followed.  I can see why this would be a fun ski run - broad sweeping curves, steep areas spilling out onto broad plains.  I didn't slip on the wet grass because of my walking boots but I'd failed to switch my thin nylon socks I'd worn to church for the thick cotton ones I usually wear on a walk.  On the steep areas, my toes were hitting the metal reinforced front of my boots and were not pleased.   One of my knees also wasn't happy about the pressure placed on it when traversing the steep spots. The ski hill had 4-wheelers to give  rides to people who couldn't make the walk back down the hill but I wasn't about to give in and ask for help.  Part way down the rain had moved off and the sun started shining.  The ski lift was about to restart when I met a family on their way walking up the hill.  Handed my unused ski lift ticket for the return trip to the mother who was last in the group.  She gave me a smile.  These aren't my best leaf peeping pics because of the rain plus the trees are only just beginning to turn.  However I did get an adventure out of it so well worth the trip.

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