Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Joyous Autumnal Equinox

Saw my neighbors today.  Blake stopped by to let me know he was putting up a temporary barrier on the trail between my place and his.  Our mutual neighbor to the west is planning on having a riding party.  Blake has said they can use his trails but wanted to make sure they didn't take the wrong turn and end up on my land.  I didn't have a problem w/ that particular neighbor riding horses on the back 40 but I still have overgrown barbed wire fences.  I don't run into them (usually) but a mounted rider unfamiliar w/ the area might not notice them.  Plus don't know these horses so can't say how they would react to Jormungandr and Whip (or how Whip would react to them).   Later Doug came over w/ his grandson Mason.  I know Mason because he sometimes gets off the school bus at his grandparents while I'm over there mooching coffee.   Mason was selling chocolate bars to raise money for the high school band.   While Doug and I talked, Mason played w/ Whip.  Had forgotten that Indy, my old dog,  had disliked children.  Whip, on the other hand, thinks children are great and was racing around gleefully.  I live in the country so don't necessarily see or talk to anyone all day.   Then there are days like today when I kinda wished I'd combed my hair.

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