Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Milkweed blossoms

The news tonight showed Alex Jones on trial.  Alex Jones is a syndicated talk show host.  His trial is because he's been advocating the conspiracy theory that the Sandy Hook massacre of children didn't really happen but was a hoax by the government in an effort to force gun control.  The parents of the children who were killed say his continuing false claims have caused them damages and want him to pay reparations.  In a bit of serendipity, I happen to be reading a book on conspiracy theories and why people believe them.  The chapter I'm on now mentions Alex Jones and some of his other views such as a flat earth, U.N. global domination, Democrats trafficking children in pizza parlors, and gay bombs developed by the Pentagon.  He also advocates  that the 2020 presidential election was stolen.  Reminded me that I should determine who to vote for in my state's upcoming primary.  I already know who is running in the major offices but not candidates for the less advertised ones like State Treasurer or State Attorney General.  I got on-line and went to each candidate's website and some other political sites I know.  Trust me - if they mentioned a conspiracy theory they were axed immediately from my consideration.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some people will fall for anything unfortunately.