Friday, July 15, 2022

Toilet Incinerator

Both Brent and Phil had old financial papers to destroy.  They figured it would be faster and easier if they burned them rather than trying to shred them five pages at a time.  My thought - "Why not put the old toilet into service as an incinerator?"  Gives a new visual to the terms 'on the hot seat' and 'pants on fire'.  Placed the toilet in Ragnarok, put some wood in the bowl, lit a match, and -voila- a burner.  Toilets aren't built to specifications of withstanding fires set in their bowls so don't try this at home (even though I did).   Thus ends this 'Fun With Toilets' series.  


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did the toilet bowl crack, explode, turn black?
I feel like I really need to know how this story ends! ;-)