Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Direct Hit with Hail Pellet


Well over 50 people at the Special Town Meeting tonight.  Only one thing to be discussed - if the town should sell 80 acres.  There were two schools of thought on not selling.  One was by the set of people who live around the land and have access to it (it's landlocked so the rest of us have no way to get there w/o trespassing) and they talked about it should remain unused (except by them of course).  The other set of people liked the idea that every 15 years the town gets revenue from cutting timber there.  The people who did want to sell it (specifically to the ski hill) said it would benefit the whole area by bringing people in to ski.  As w/ any big meeting you had the 'comic relief' people - the guy who got all het up on technicalities and said the sale of land needed to be a Class 2 notice in the paper (since this meeting was just to find out if the town wanted to sell the land that didn't apply) and the guy who said the sale would lead to people  giving the board $25,000 to take land by eminent domain to extend a road to the 80 acres so they could build condos there.  That I did chuckle at. He obviously has no idea how much roads cost.    In the end it was a vote of 40 some to 9  to not sell the land.   I'm batting 1000 this year.  I wasn't successful in getting the county to back down on splitting the town into three wards.  I wasn't successful in opposing the town take over it's own zoning (though it appears that fight is still going on).  I wasn't successful tonight in voting for the town to sell land since municipalitiies weren't meant to be in the lumber business. Guess I'm just not on the same wavelength as most of the rest of the town.  Not necessarily a bad thing but it is frustrating.

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