Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Field Bindweed


Town Planning Commission meeting tonight.  We OK'ed a driveway permit and a building permit.  A neighbor along the river wants to build cabins for rent.  Then we ran through each chapter of the Comprehensive Plan update.  It was created after the 2010 census and there are quite a few chapters that use census data.  In 2022 we are still waiting for that same data from the 2020 census.  My chapter doesn't happen to use census data but I need to insert a map from the local telephone company showing which areas have buried fiberoptics.  A letter from the County let us know, as far as they were concerned, we can't do our own zoning w/o an ordinance.  That we have and published.   However the minutes from the Town Board Meeting where the ordinance was adopted are missing.  So another technicality to overcome.  The town chairman stopped by the meeting and asked if we could write up an ordinance requiring land owners w/ fences located inside a town road easement to be responsible for brushing around the fence to a distance of a foot.  It would be controversial so might not get enacted but think I'll see if I can rough one out.  Nothing like writing ordinances to give you a little thrill.

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