Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Spring Comes to the Swamp

Spring activities continue.  All of the plants overwintered in Sleipnir last year have been cleaned up and set out.  I put away the make-shift tables where they'd sat, swept out the dead leaves, and washed the windows.  Drove Jormungandr out of Mjolnir and into Sleipnir.  Wow.  Mjolnir has10 foot ceilings but Sleipnir has the usual 8 foot ones and I watched that the rollbars on top just miss the garage door mechanism.  One of the plants Aunt Ruth left w/ me is now blooming.  Took a picture of the flower and leaf and texted my Master Gardner sister to see if she had any ideas what this plant is.  She replied that it looked like a Mandevilla.  Great!  I'd wanted a plant to climb the electrical backboard set up in the yard.  Only problem is it's classified as subtropical and here it's Zone 3.  My sister agreed that if I put it out in it's container come autumn I can cut it back and bring the plant back inside.  I still need to wait a week before setting it out - have some  high 30's temps forecast which doesn't sound subtropical.  While I puttered around my neighbor was busy disking the field to the east.  Spring is the catalyst that brings rejuvenation to the flora, fauna, and us.

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