Monday, May 16, 2022

On the Way to Totality

Mass shootings on the news tonight.  The country wouldn't do anything after Sandy Hook (27 people shot - 20 of them aged 7 or under) so I know the latest gnashing of teeth and breast beating by government officials is just for show.  Turned off the TV and went outside to shoot the moon.  (Sorry, bad choice of words).  Perfect conditions to view the lunar eclipse - no clouds, dark enough, early enough that I'm still awake, too cold for mosquitos, warm enough to not need mittens or a coat.  Besides that the scorpion Sagittarius looked like it was poised to grab the moon, all around me I could hear frogs  singing, and the scent of manure was in the air (neighbor is spreading on his fields before planting).  I set up the camera on the deck right outside my back door.  Just had to step outside periodically to snap a few pics.  If only the aurora borealis would be so accommodating.

1 comment:

Flip said...

Need to do something about the people behind the guns. Saying guns kill is like saying the pencil flunked me on my math test.