Friday, May 13, 2022

Cutleaf Toothwort

I was in and out of the house all day.  Each time I sat down I'd find a tick on me.  Disposed of them in my freezer jar.  I lost count of how many I froze.  Tonight I got an unsolicited e-mail newsletter from my state rep.  As usual his e-mails consist of all of the horrible things the Democrats are doing.  He doesn't even bother anymore talking about the good things the Republicans do.  He was blaming the fire bombing of the headquarters of a pro-life organization (thankfully, no one was injured) on Democrats and wrote "... threatening violence and destruction when you don't get your way is wrong, and when you allow one group to get away with it, it encourages others to follow their lead."  I reread those words.  Doesn't that describe exactly what happened on January 6th?  This rep voted not to certify our state's election results and is still pushing for the decertification of the election results over a year later.    I e-mailed him back.   First I requested he stop sending me his monthly diatribe and then I'm afraid I called him the worst thing I could think of.  "Until you stand up for precepts of democracy you are a tick on the backside of our state - engorging yourself on the largesse of your office and spreading the disease of mistrust."   A simile any Northwoods native will relate to.


Anita D. said...

I LOVE it. Can I publicly quote you? I won't use your name.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about Jan 6th as I read the text you quoted! Suppose they don't see that the same way, of course.