Friday, May 06, 2022

Pussywillow Tree


Had errands today.  First to the vets.  My neighbor asked me pick up some NexGard they had ordered and, since I had just fed my last tick-repulsing tidbit to Whip, I picked up some too.  Hadn't realized just how busy the vet's office is.  The phone rang constantly while I was there.  While she waited on me, the receptionist let calls go to voice mail but had it turned up loud enough so she could monitor messages.  Once she called over to the vet on duty and said the caller had an emergency and to pick up.  Efficient.  Then I drove to that city's library.  The librarians in our network had decided to start a "Passport Project" for the summer.  You could pick up a'passport' at any library and present it at any other library in the system.  They will stamp it next to their library's name.  After ten stamps from different libraries, you can put your name in for a raffle (max of five times).  I don't  get the point of this project since the people who are getting stamps are already familiar w/ our library system.  Still, the prizes are nice so I picked up a 'passport' and stamped it at our library last night.  This city's library would be my second.  I walked in, presented my 'passport' to the librarian and asked for it to be stamped.  She was pleasant until she saw the stamp from the library where I volunteer.  "Oh - that library.  Ugh"  she remarked.  I had resolved just the night before to stop correcting people when they say something offensive or incredibly stupid.  (There are just too many instances.)  I kept my mouth shut, gave her a vacuous smile, and left.   Then went to have keys made.  I had picked up keychains w/ little fobs depicting the hammer Mjolnir, the eight-legged horse Sleipnir, and the sea monster Jormungandr.  Thought it was a good idea to have extra keys but to pick out the correct key, you'll need to match the Norse name w/ the correct fob.  Finished up w/ all of the usual other errands.  Tonight I read my senator replied "It may be true." when an interviewer claimed Covid shots give people AIDS.  Also about the U.S. Rep from Florida who derisively talked about "over-educated women".   Confronted with such foolishness, I'm not sure I can keep my new resolution.


Brent said...

You had a busy day!

Anonymous said...

I thought the one comment would at least be about the "over-educated women".