Tuesday, May 10, 2022


My neighbor Anita and I went to Winter Greenhouses this morning.  It's maybe a 45 minute drive but a relaxing one through wild woods and along streams.  Shopping for plants is similar to other kinds of shopping.  I may go in w/ a plan but then you see something that strikes your fancy and the 'plan' is tossed.   I picked up a couple of strawberry plants.  Thought I would try them in pots this year and see how well they did.  Also decided to add marjoram to my "smelly pot".  Picked up a couple of daylilies (because I'm a sucker for them) and some oriental lilies to replace the ones that didn't make it by the deck.  We hit the gardens at the right time.  The checkout person said it had been extremely busy around Mother's Day and this was the lull before the Memorial Day rush.  We unloaded the car back at our places and then bopped into town to have lunch at the cafe.  Needed a break before all that planting!

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